Welcome to the
Adams Street Church of Christ
307 Adams Street, Hatch, NM 87937
We invite you to join us this Sunday!
Click for Directions
About the Adams Street Church of Christ

Our Servants
Danny Miller
Our Motivation
The Work
You Can Be Saved
True Unity
Our Standard

Join Us!
Meeting Times
Sunday Worship: 10:00 a.m.
Sunday Bible Class: 10:45 a.m.
The Adams Street church of Christ is a visitor-friendly congregation! You will always find a warm welcome from folks that love the Lord. We are brought together by our recognition that Jesus Christ is our Savior. That’s the reason we can worship together glorifying God and by God’s grace, accomplish some things that make a difference in people’s lives. You’ll discover that encouragement and love are the hallmarks of friendship and our goal is to serve God and welcome new friends! Right now is a great time to visit us!
We hope you’ll join us this Sunday!
Services Offered
Free Bible Literature on a Variety of Topics
In-home Bible Study DVD Series
Children Bible Classes and Adult Bible Classes
First Sunday of each month
Fellowship Potluck meal right after morning worship service.
You are invited!
Sends House to House to area homes